Our latest book (in German) HALTUNG ERWEITERN: ICH, WIR, ALLE gestalten Transformation (MINDSET EXPANSION:Shaping Transformation Together) came out in June this year. It is dedicated to all those who see themselves, their environment and the world in a process of evolution. "This book manages to resolve the apparent contradiction of whether it is circumstances, behaviour or ourselves that we need to work," says Jens Hollmann in his introduction. Click here for a free sample read - or just order it straight away?!?
The next training event (in German) on employing the mindset model to address issues pertaining to the transformation process will start in February 2024, once again hosted by Jens Hollmann and Martin Permantier. A course for all those who want to shape transformation and their own personal development journeys, whether as project leaders, (future) managers, trainers, consultants or coaches. Click here for more details on the event.
Our community MINDSET EXPANSION is growing, and the first joint projects are already underway. We invite you to exchange your thoughts & experiences in the safe and appreciative framework of our community. We also present books, podcasts & videos and share research results. In special topic groups we discuss different areas of application for the mindset model and inspire each other at events. Welcome to the community!