DesignShorts - Logo, Typography, Visual Language, Icons and more.

Insights into our workflow
In the DesignShorts series on LinkedIn and in our Blog we introduce the design elements that go into creating corporate design. We explain individual elements that are important in design and how they are used – needless to say, in keeping with our name: succinct and to the point.
The examples are from our own portfolio. We look at aspects of the projects that are fundamentally special to give you a inside view of what we do and why we do it - without going into unnecessary detail. The individual design elements are presented in the order they might appear during the design process.
In real life this process is often not linear but iterative and we usually develop logo, font, icons etc. in parallel or sequentially.
We hope our enthusiasm for good design is infectious and welcome any questions and feedback you might have.
Current articles:
- Logo development
- Typeface
- Colour
- Visual language
- Icons
- Brand marks
Coming soon:
Key visuals
Style guide
DesignShorts appear every Tuesday on LinkedIn and in our Blog. Get reading and get inspired!